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Canada Land Inventory Manitoba

  1. Thie, J. 1969.  The use of subclass k, permafrost in the Manitoba Forest Capability Classification.  A Departmental report with stereo pairs.  Unpublished.  Dept. of Mines, Resources and Environment Management.  Winnipeg. + PDF
  2. Zoltai, S.C. and J. Thie, 1971. Land Capability for Forestry of the Waterhen map sheet area (63B), map and report.  Supply and Services Canada No. RE6413-63B. Published by the Canada Land Inventory Project for Manitoba, the Lands Directorate (Environment Canada) with Cartography by the Soil Research Institute (Research Branch, Agriculture Canada). Printed by Surveys and Mapping Branch, Energy, Mines and Resources Canada, Ottawa.
  3. Gymbarzevsky, P. and S. Zoltai , 1971, with J. Thie and B. Mitchell. Land Capability classification for Forestry, and General Description of The Pas map sheet area, 63F, Manitoba. Published by the Canada Land Inventory Project for Manitoba, the Lands Directorate (Environment Canada) with Cartography by the Soil Research Institute (Research Branch, Agriculture Canada). Printed by Surveys and Mapping Branch, Energy, Mines and Resources Canada, Ottawa. +HTM
  4. Thie, J. 1971 with H. Veldhuis and D. Forrester. Land Capability classification for Forestry, and General Description of the Grand Rapids map sheet area, 63G, Manitoba. Published by the Canada Land Inventory Project for Manitoba, the Lands Directorate (Environment Canada) with Cartography by the Soil Research Institute (Research Branch, Agriculture Canada). Printed by Surveys and Mapping Branch, Energy, Mines and Resources Canada, Ottawa. Cat. No. RE64/3-63G.
  5. Thie, J. 1971 with H. Veldhuis and D. Forrester. Land Capability classification for Forestry, and General Description of the Cross Lake-63I and Norway House-63H map sheets, in Manitoba. Published by the Canada Land Inventory Project for Manitoba, the Lands Directorate (Environment Canada) with Cartography by the Soil Research Institute (Research Branch, Agriculture Canada). Printed in 1974 by Surveys and Mapping Branch, Energy, Mines and Resources Canada, Ottawa.
  6. Thie, J. 1971 with H. Veldhuis and D. Forrester.  Land Capability classification for Forestry, and General Description of the Berens River  map sheet area- 63A, in Manitoba. Published by the Canada Land Inventory Project for Manitoba, the Lands Directorate (Environment Canada) with Cartography by the Soil Research Institute (Research Branch, Agriculture Canada). Printed in 1974 by Surveys and Mapping Branch, Energy, Mines and Resources Canada, Ottawa.
  7. Veldhuis, H. and J. Thie, 1970. Land Capability classification for Forestry, and General Description of the Neepawa map sheet area, 62J, Manitoba. Published by the Canada Land Inventory Project for Manitoba, the Lands Directorate (Environment Canada) with Cartography by the Soil Research Institute (Research Branch, Agriculture Canada). Printed in 1974 by Surveys and Mapping Branch, Energy, Mines and Resources Canada, Ottawa.
  8. Gymbarzevsky, P. and J. Thie, 1972. Land Capability classification for Forestry, and General Description of the Duck Mountain map sheet area, 62N, Manitoba. Published by the Canada Land Inventory Project for Manitoba, the Lands Directorate (Environment Canada) with Cartography by the Soil Research Institute (Research Branch, Agriculture Canada). Printed 1974 by Surveys and Mapping Branch, Energy, Mines and Resources Canada, Ottawa.
  9. Gymbarzevsky, P., S. Zoltai, and J. Thie 1972.  Land Capability classification for Forestry, and General Description of the Cormorant Lake  map sheet area, 63F, Manitoba. Published by the Canada Land Inventory Project for Manitoba, the Lands Directorate (Environment Canada) with Cartography by the Soil Research Institute (Research Branch, Agriculture Canada). Printed in 1974 by Surveys and Mapping Branch, Energy, Mines and Resources Canada, Ottawa.
  10. Gymbarzevsky, P. and J. Thie, 1972. Land Capability classification for Forestry, and General Description of the Swan Lake map sheet area, 63C, Manitoba. Published by the Canada Land Inventory Project for Manitoba, the Lands Directorate (Environment Canada) with Cartography by the Soil Research Institute (Research Branch, Agriculture Canada). Printed by Surveys and Mapping Branch, Energy, Mines and Resources Canada, Ottawa.
  11. H. Veldhuis, D. Forrester, R Bukowski and J. Thie, 1972. Land Capability classification for Forestry, and General Description of the Brandon map sheet area, 62G, Manitoba. Published by the Canada Land Inventory Project for Manitoba, the Lands Directorate (Environment Canada) with Cartography by the Soil Research Institute (Research Branch, Agriculture Canada). Printed in 1975 by Surveys and Mapping Branch, Energy, Mines and Resources Canada, Ottawa.
  12. D. Forrester and J. Thie, 1972. Land Capability classification for Forestry, and General Description of the Winnipeg map sheet area, 62H, Manitoba. Published by the Canada Land Inventory Project for Manitoba, the Lands Directorate (Environment Canada) with Cartography by the Soil Research Institute (Research Branch, Agriculture Canada). Printed in 1974 by Surveys and Mapping Branch, Energy, Mines and Resources Canada, Ottawa.
  13. Thie, J. 1973 with H. Veldhuis and D. Forrester. Land Capability classification for Forestry, and General Description of the Wekusko Lake map sheet area, 63J, Manitoba. Published by the Canada Land Inventory Project for Manitoba, the Lands Directorate (Environment Canada) with Cartography by the Soil Research Institute (Research Branch, Agriculture Canada). Printed by Surveys and Mapping Branch, Energy, Mines and Resources Canada, Ottawa.

Special Projects Manitoba

  1. Special Task Force 'South Indian Lake'.  1968.  Provided chapters: "Implications to Forest Potential" and "Ecology of the Area" of Environmental Impact Assessment report.  Department of Mines and Natural Resources, Winnipeg.
  2. Goulden, R.C. and J. Thie. 1969.  A proposal for Land Classification in Northern Manitoba, report to Planning and Priorities Committee of Cabinet, Government of Manitoba.
  3. Thie, J. 1969.  Preliminary photo-interpretation for a soil survey of the Llanos Orientalis, Columbia.  Map and report.  Natural Resources Department.  International Institute for Aerial Survey and Earth Sciences (ITC), Delft, The Netherlands. 
  4. Thie, J. 1971.  Air photo analysis of the surficial deposits, vegetation, drainage and soils of an area north of Lake Winnipeg, with special reference to the occurrence and melting of permafrost in wooded palsas and peat plateaus. University of Manitoba, Department. of Soil Science.  pp. 80.
  5. Thie, J. 1971.  Evaluation of 4 peat land classification systems, University of Manitoba, Department of Botany, unpublished report.
  6. Thie, J.  and C. Jenkins.  1971.  Forestry-Agriculture zonation for South-Eastern Manitoba.  Report an, Department of Mines and Natural Resources, Winnipeg, Manitoba.
  7. Thie, J. 1971.  Location studies for the 2 mile channel area - consultant report to Manitoba Hydro - 1971 - emphasizing bedrock, drainage and permafrost.
  8. Thie, J. 1972.  Environmental site analysis for the Limestone Rapids Hydro Dam .  Report to Systems Planning, Manitoba Hydro.
  9. Veldhuis, H., D.F. Forrester, and J. Thie. 1972.  Present status and capability of the Forest Resource in the Whitemud River Watershed.  Dept. of Mines, Resources and Environmental Management, Winnipeg.
  10. Thie, J. et al. 1973.  Long Term Ecological Monitoring of the Environment in the Lake Winnipeg, Churchill and Nelson River Impact Areas.  Proposal to the Federal/Provincial Study Board, Winnipeg, Manitoba.
  11. Thie, J. 1973.  Post Glacial Climatic and Vegetation Changes in Manitoba.  Department of Botany, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg.
  12. Thie, J.  1974.  Distribution and Thawing of Permafrost in the Southern Part of the Discontinuous Permafrost Zone in Manitoba, ARCTIC, Journal.  Arctic Institute of North America, Vol. 27, No. 3, September 1974, pp. 189-200.
  13. Thie, J. 1976.  Degradation of Chernozemic Soils.  Literature review.  Department of Soil Science, University of Manitoba.  pp. 35.
  14. Thie, J.  1976.  Arctic and Subarctic Soils.  Literature review. Department of Soil Science, University of Manitoba.  pp. 32.

Manitoba Remote Sensing Centre and Canada Centre for Remote Sensing

  1. With Manitoba Remote Sensing Committee. 1972.  Implications of Resource Satellites and Airborne Remote Sensing to Manitoba. Report to Planning and Priorities Committee of Cabinet, Government of Manitoba.
  2. With multidisciplinary team.  1970.  Resource Rationalization for South Eastern Manitoba, departmental proposal, Mines and Natural Resources.  Winnipeg, Manitoba.
  3. Thie, J. 1973.  An Introduction to the use of Remote Sensing for Natural Resources Management. Invited Presentation Annual meeting of the Canadian Institute of Forestry.  Prince Alberta, Saskatchewan. 
  4. Thie, J., R. Ryerson, T.T. Alfoldi. 1973.  Mapping Land Use in the Great Lakes Basin.  Report prepared for Task B, Land Drainage Reference Group.  International Joint Commission.  pp. 17. 
  5. Thie, J. 1974.  The Use of Remote Sensing for Management of Forest Resources, 55th Annual Meeting, Canadian Pulp and Paper Association, Woodlands Section, March 7-21, 1974.  Montreal, Quebec.
  6. With the Manitoba Remote Sensing Committee.  1972.  A proposal for a Regional Remote Seining Interpretation Centre, University of Manitoba Campus, Winnipeg.
  7. With the Manitoba Remote Sensing Committee.  1972.  Manitoba Remote Sensing Program - detailed outline of flight specifications and research objectives for the 1972 program.
  8. Thie, J. 1972.  Environmental Monitoring with Remote Sensing Techniques, paper presented at the 1972 annual meeting of the Canadian Institute of Forestry, Manitoba Section, May 1972.
  9. Thie, J.  1972.  Application of remote sensing techniques for description and mapping of forest ecosystems, paper 1st Canadian Symposium on Remote Sensing 1972, Ottawa, Ontario. pp. 194-169.
  10. Thie, J.  1974.  Remote Sensing for Northern Resource Inventories and Environmental Monitoring in Proceedings of Technical Workshop to Develop and Integrate Approach to Base Data Inventories for Canada's Northlands, pp. 81-97.  April 17-19, Toronto, Ontario.
  11. Thie, J., C. Tarnocai, G.F. Mills and S.J. Kristoff. 1974.  A rapid resource inventory for Canada's North by means of satellite and airborne remote sensing Proc. 2nd Canadian Symposium on Remote Sensing, Guelph, Ontario.  pp. 200-215.
  12. Thie, J.,  and C. Watchman, 1974.  Remote Sensing for Environmental Monitoring and Impact Assessment.  Proc. I.S.P. Comm. IV Symp. Vol. 1, Banff, Canada, pp. 301-316.
  13. Tarnocai, C. and J. Thie. 1974.  Remote Sensing and Permafrost.  Proc. Workshop/Symposium on Permafrost Hydrology and Geophysics.  Feb. 1974, Calgary, Canada.
  14. Thie, J. and C.Tarnocai. 1974.  Permafrost and Remote Sensing.  Proc. 2nd Canadian Symposium on Remote Sensing.  Guelph, Ontario. pp. 438-447.
  15. Thie, J. 1975.  Remote Sensing Applications for Land Resource Inventories.  Proc. Canadian Institute of Forestry /University of Toronto workshop on Forest Surveys, Biometrics and Remote Sensing.  University of Toronto Press. pp. 62-71.
  16. Schubert, J.S., J. Thie and D. Gierman.  1977.  Computer processing of LANDSAT Data as a means of Mapping Land Use for the Canada Land Inventory.  In proc. 4th Canadian Symposium on Remote Sensing, Canadian Aeronautical and Space Institute. Montreal, Canada.
  17. Thie, J.  1976.  An Evaluation of Remote Sensing Techniques for Ecological/Biophysical Land Classification in Northern Canada. In Proceedings of the 1st meeting of the Canada Committee on Ecological Land Classification, Petawawa, Canada. Ecological Land Classification Series No 1, Lands Directorate, Environment Canada.
  18. Thie, J. 1976.  Remote Sensing for Land Classification in Northern Areas.  Paper presented at the 1976 annual meeting Canadian Soil Science Society.  Halifax, Nova Scotia. 
  19. Thie, J. 1976.  An Evaluation of Remote Sensing Techniques for Ecological Land Classification.  Proceedings 2nd Annual W.T. Pecora Symposium. American Society of Photometry.
  20. 1978 Land use monitoring with Landsat in SW Manitoba Rubec and Thie 1 copy.pdf
  21. Thie, J.  1980.   Organization and Role of the Canadian Advisory Committee on Remote Sensing (CACRS).  In Proc. of CACRS meeting.  April 1980, Arnprior.
  22. Godby, E.A., J.Thie, 1981. The Importance of Remote Sensing for Canada: Past Achievements, Future Needs. Keynote 7th Canadian Remote Se sing Symposium, Winnipeg, Manitoba. September 8-11, 1981.

The Canada Land Inventory Lands Directorate, Environment Canada

  1. Thie, J., J. Millard, T. Pierce and J. Poirier. 1975.  The Canada Land Inventory, its Status and Uses.  Proc. CIF/University of Toronto workshop on Forest Surveys, Biometrics and Remote Sensing. University of Toronto Press.  pp. 87-102.
  2. 1976 Multi-disciplinary land inventory for Greece D.B. Coombs and J. Thie 1976, Athens copy.pdf
  3. Thie, J. 1976.  Ecological Land Evaluation in Canada.  Presentation to the Workshop on Land Evaluation, International Symposium on Surveys for Development.  International Institute for Aerial Survey & Earth Sciences.  Enschede, Netherlands. 
  4. Rubec, C.D. and J. Thie, 1978.  Land Use Monitoring with LANDSAT Digital Data.  In Proc. 5th Canadian Symposium on Remote Sensing.  Victoria, British Columbia.  August, 1978.
  5. Coombs, D.B. and J. Thie.  1979.  The Canadian Land Inventory System.  In Planning the Uses and Management of Land, Agronomy No. 21.  Am. Soc. of Agronomy Soil Science Soc. of Am.
  6. Thie, J. 1976.  An Evaluation of Remote Sensing Techniques for Ecological (Biophysical) Land Classification in Northern Canada.  In Proceedings 1st meeting. Canada Committee on Ecological Land Classification.  May 26-28, 1976.  Petawawa, Ontario.
  7. D.B. Coombs and J. Thie.  1976.  Consideration for a Multidisciplinary Land Resource Inventory for Greece.  Lands Directorate, Department of Fisheries and Environment Report to Greek Government.  pp. 20.
  8. Thie, J.  1977.  Land Use Planning in Forested Regions of Canada.  Seminario Sobre Planejamento Do Des envolvimento Florestal et Do Uso Da Terra.  IBDF, FAO, SUPLAN/MA, ITCA. 10-14 October 1977.  Rio de Janeiro.
  9. Pierce T.W. and J.Thie, 1981. Land Inventories for Land Use Planning in Canada, chapter 6 in Planning Future Land Uses, Special Publication Number 42, American Society of Agronomy, Madison, Wisconsin.

Ecological / Biophysical Land Classification

  1. Zotai.S.C., C. Tarnocai, E.T. Oswald and J.Thie, 1970. Data for field discussion Cormorant Lake Biophysical project. Cranberry Portage, Manitoba June 17-20. Canada Land Inventory Project National Coordination Initiative.
  2. Beke, G.J., H. Veldhuis and J. Thie, 1973.  Biophysical Land Inventory Churchill-Nelson Rivers Study Area.  Canada-Manitoba Soil Survey.  University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba.  Report (409 pp.) and maps.Thie, J., and G. Ironside. 1977.  Editors.  Proceedings 1st meeting of the Canada Committee on Ecological (Biophysical) Land Classification Ecological Land Classification Series No. 1.  Lands Directorate, D.F.E.  Ottawa.
  3. Thie, J., J.S. Clark, R.J. Fulton, R.M. Strang.  Proposed Objectives, Activities and Organization for a National Committee on Biophysical Classification.  Lands Directorate, Department of Fisheries and Environment.  8 pp.
  4. Thie, J. 1977.  The objective, organization  and role of the Canadian Committee on Ecological Land Classification.  In Proc. of workshop on Ecological Classification of Forest Land in Canada and N.W.-U.S.A. Sept. 30 - Oct. 2.  Vancouver, B.C.
  5. Thie, J.  1978.  Ecological Land Classification in Canada:  Application in Physical Planning.  Invited key note paper University of Stockholm Jubilee Symposium on Landscape and Community, 8-12 May, 1970. 
  6. With Staff of the Lands Directorate, 1980.  Ecological Land Survey Guidelines for Environmental Impact Assessment.
  7. Thie, J., E.B. Wiken and C.D.A. Rubec, 1986. Ecological Land Survey as basis for Land Resource Planning and Management in Canada. In "Land and its Uses" edited by F.T. Last, M.C.B. Hotz and B.G. Bell. Plenum Publishing Corporation. Edinbourough, Scotland.
  8. Bob Roden, Jean Thie 1986.(US and Canada Co-Chairs) International Joint Commission Great Lakes Water Level Reference - Group 2: Coastal Zone Ecology, Resources, Uses and Management. Strategy and work plan to assess the impacts of fluctuating water levels on the coastal zone, including aquatic and terrestrial aspects; well as develop schemes for alleviating potentially adverse effects of any regulatory measures that would affect the ecology, resources, uses and management of the coastal zone.

Canada Geographic Information System and Geomatics

  1. Thie, J. 1975. Baseline Data and Data needs.  Internal discussion report,  Environmental Management Service, Department of Fisheries and Environment. Ottawa.
  2. With Staff of the Lands Directorate, 1979.  The Canada Land Data System, it's Role and Policies.
  3. Thie, J., N. Chartrand and G.F. Mills,1978.  Interpretation of a Ecological Data Base Using the Canada Land Data System/CGIS.  In Proc. 2nd meeting. Can. Committee on Ecological Land Classification 4-April, 1978, Victoria, B.C.  Edited by C.D.A. Rubec.  Cat. No. En73-3/7.  Canada.
  4. Thie, J., W.A. Switzer, N. Chartrand, 1982. Das ,,CANADA LAND DATA SYSTEM" und seine Anwendungsmoglichkeiten in Landschaftsplanung und Bewirtschaftung der Ressourcen. Invited Paper - In Natur und Landschaft: Landschafts-Informationssysteme Dezember 1982, Bundesforshungsanstalt fur Naturschutz und Landschaftsokologie. (German language version) (English language version)
  5. Report and Proceedings UNEP Expert Group Meeting on the Development of a Global Land/Soil Monitoring System, October, 1982, Kiev, USSR. Report compiled and edited by Jean Thie, Chairman. United Nations Environment Programme.
  6. Shaw, E. and J. Thie, 1994. Development of a Strategic Architecture for Geomatics Canada as input in the Long Term Planning Process. Geomatics Canada, Natural Resources Canada, Ottawa.

National Atlas of Canada

EcoInformatics International & Geomatics International

  1. Thie, J. 1968. Spatial Information Management Concepts and Strategies for the Canadian Forest Service- A blueprint for actions towards a Canadian Forest Spatial Data Infrastructure. Canadian Forest Service, Natural Resources Canada.
  2. Thie, J. 1995. Canadian Earth Observation Network (CEONet). V1 Needs, Features and Requirements- A Value-Added Sector Perspective. Geomatics International and MacDonald Detwhiler. Burlington, Ontario en Vancouver B.C.
  3. Thie, J. 1996 Canadian Earth Observation Network (CEONet): Business models and Evaluation Framework. Report prepared for the Canada Centre for Remote Sensing, Ottawa, Ontario
  4. Cheliak, W.M., and J. Thie. 1996. Spatial Data Infrastructures for Sustainable Forest Management Initiatives.
  5. Thie, J. 1996. Science Marketing Opportunities in the Canadian Forest Service. Report based on and assessing a series of 10 diverse CFS science/ knowledge network workshops forecasting future developments and highlighting opportunities.
  6. Thie, J. 2005. From Canada Land Inventory to a National Land and Water Information Service
  7. Thie, J. 2010. Issue-Driven Integrated Landscape Management and Innovation in Canada. In: "Sustainable Places" , the 10th anniversary edition of Policy Research Imitative - Horizons, Volume 10, Number 4, pp 16-25, Government Of Canada Policy Research Initiative.
  8. Thie, J. 2012. From Canada Land Inventory to Canada Land Resource Innovations: Innovation in Pursuit of Sustainability. Invited paper presented at the CLRI National Symposium on the Status of Integrated Land Management in Canada. February 2 - March 1, Ottawa, Ontario.

International Union for the Conservation of Nature

Canadian Institute of Geomatics

Jean Thie

CV Synopsis