
EcoInformatics International

EcoInformatics International

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Wood Buffalo National Park - Amazing winter satellite images
Google Earth shows some exceptional high resoliution winter images for part of the park with surprising details
worlds longest beaver dam
Finding World's longest beaver dam
While monitoring the melting of permafrost in wetlands of Canada's Boreal Ecoregion, we discovered impressive beaver habitat!
worlds longest beaver dam

Permafrost melting like glaciers

Over a 60 year period these permafrost landslides regress like glaciers!land slides

Fascinating Peat Plateaus
The sensitive most southern fringe of permafrost - where you would not expect it! peat plateau melting
Tierra del Fuego: Monitoring Beaver Invasion since 1946beaver patagonia

Canada Land Inventory
Changed the way Canada managed its natural resources and developed the World's first Geographic Information System- the CGISCLI map

EcoInformatics International

... consulting services linking spatial science, policy, and practice in pursuit of better understanding of ecosystems and a sustainable world....

  • Strategy Mapping

    Strategy mapping; Future dialogues; strategic architecture

  • Policy Cycle

    Influencing the policy cycle, Science-policy cartography, Issue and policy maps; National Atlas Maps;

  • Monitoring Ecosystem Change

    Forest fires, Land use, wetlands, permafrost melting; habitat; flooding and flood risk

  • Rapid Satellite Image Analysis

    Permafrost, beaver habitat, forest fires, exploring glacial lake Agassiz; Wood Buffalo National Park etc.

  • Beaver Habitat

    Highest densities, longest beaver dams, largest beaver landscapes in Canada and around the world

  • Permafrost Studies

    Measuring a hundred years of change in permafrost(peat plateaus and plasa's) in Canada's wetlands

  • National Atlas Mapping

    Concepts, strategies, business models; societal and policy application of national atlas and issue maps

  • The Canada Land Inventory (CLI)

    Application, impact, innovation and history of one of the World's largest multi-disciplinary resource inventories; Canada's critical lands

  • The Canada Land Use Monitoring Program

    Monitors land use change following the completion of the CLI program, with special focus on urbanization, agriculture and wetlands.

  • Ecological Land Surveys

    And the Canada Committee on Ecological Land Classification (CCELC; Its history, and impact on ecosystem classification, ecological surveys, national environmental policies and maps.

  • Northern Land Use Information - North of 60 degrees

    Integrated regional overview of environmental and social aspects of present land use in Northern Canada

  • Geo- and Eco-Informatics

    From Spatial Data (SDI) to Spatial Knowledge Infrastructure (SKI); Future of Geomatics; Canadian Institute of Geomatics and Geomatica- The Canadian Journal of Geospatial Science, Technology and Practice

Issue-driven Integrated Landscape Management and Innovation in Canada
horizons magazine cover

Contribution to the Policy Research Initiative - at that time part of Canada's Privy Council Office projects to explore the future- published in Horizon's Special Issue on Sustainable Places

EcoInformatics International Inc. - Ottawa, Ontario and Wakefield, Quebec, Canada